There is an article within the Times Educational (Higher) Supplement today, of which I hereby give this link:-
which states that the petition to save the funding now amounts to 1071 signatures but also gives details of transitional protection, co-funding and also the reassurance that things will stay much as they are for the next three years.
I think the mistake being made here is that some of the largest institutions will not suffer because they are fairly astute with money. So institutions with economies of scale will not suffer as much as smaller ones. But that still does not mean, after transitional protection has work off, that the path towards getting qualifications if one has already got a degree will be particularly easy. The long term effects of the diktat of the Secretary of State for Universities is going to be forgotten, I fear, and when people have to pay a lot more for their courses in years to come they will be complaining. So I would urge everyone to join the protests now.
Think of the long term effects of these cuts, would be my advice.
Secondly, this scheme of HEFCE costs a lot to administer, according to the Guardian article of which I have lately provided a link, £250 million per anumn all told, which is an outrageous sum of money. Where does this money all go? I think we should be told. I have written to the Secretary of State for Universities in order that he provide an explanation, which I must admit, would be interesting to hear.
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