Monday, 25 February 2008

Interim Information on the ELQs Select Committee

Dear Colleagues

As I also (along with many others) had made a contribution towards the report of the Select Committee of Enquiry on ELQs, I rang the administrators to the committee.

I have been informed that the conclusions of this committee are being prepared in report form at this moment and should be available between about 4-6 weeks.

The conclusions are presented to government when the particular report is published and the government has two months within which to make its response.

A word on evidence: a lot of the evidence presented will not be contained within the body of the report but instead will be referenced at the back of the report; such material will be available in the libraries of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. I have also been informed that only material which has been referenced in the Select Committee Report will be available in the actual report. For instance, if there is a report by OUSA to which reference has been made, the full text of that report will be available within the body of the report.

Therefore, it appears that there is a few weeks to go before we know the report conclusions. I hope that what I have found out in the interim may have been useful to all my readers. Many thanks.

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