Friday, 20 June 2008

The 3 month anniversary of the Select Committee

It has now been three months, almost exactly to the day, since the ELQ Sub Committee posted their verdict on the DIUS website. Interestingly enough, out of more than 500 entries of pieces of evidence, 496 were not in favour of the proposal to move monies away from those continuing to further their education in a useful way by doing more qualifications. There has been a considerable argument that not only do people need to reskill again and again in the modern economy but need to keep minds and brains alive by continuing their education at whatever age. As well as the widening participation and lifelong learning arguments.

Now it is the three month anniversary of this publication which was not in favour of the ELQ argument as promulgated by Messrs Denham and Rammell, et al, is it not time for this government to formally state what their position now is. I am of the understanding that they should have given a response to the Select Committee by now, or at the very latest by 27th June 2008, which is at the end of next week.

It would be interesting to see what they have finally concluded about the Select Committee, which obviously was not on the side of this government.

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