Tuesday 14 September 2010

Waiting for Godot (2)

Waiting for Godot. The world is full of surprises. The Court of Appeal has said that although they cannot technically take their cases to appeal at the Supreme Court,a point of important public interest has arisen. That point of interest is whether or not the courts can deal with such matters, or whether the Bill of Rights 1689 and Parliamentary Sovereignty stipulate that these matters can only be dealt with in Parliament itself, which is the highest court in the land.

I was under the impression that Article IX of the Bill of Rights stipulated that the rights protected were the rights to free speech and the prevention of being sued for libel by what has been said within the precincts of Parliament. It was not there to prevent MPs and others fiddling their expenses which have been paid for by the taxpayers.

The public purse is robbed by these sorts of actions. My opinion for what its worth states that these sorts of cases should be tried by the criminal courts as they would be in any other situation. I hope my instincts prove to be correct.

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