Saturday 1 November 2008

Denham plans for Universities crash and burn

Happy after having taken money away from ELQ students which he then stated were going to assist the cause of new and younger students going to University, Denham has now said that the amount of additional university places 2009 will be capped at 10,000, which is 5,000 less than expected.

The link for this information is contained at this point in my blog today:-

Guardian newspaper web edition

As if the cap on the number of students is not enough, which goes directly against the grain of Denham's policy of opening things up for youngsters to go to University, he has also taken money from the ELQ budget to finance this very purpose, which is now failing. He cant subsidise the grant for the number of students who wish to go and therefore has set the limit on an income of £50,000 for middle income parents, which is way below what any Government Minister can earn and way below what most people actually do eatn.

What the government have done instead is to say that these students can have more loans. Thats exactly what I always said; who wants to leave University with a debt of more than £20,000. Thats no way to start a career, with a great big burden of debt around one's back.

The arithmetic employed by this government does not add up and as usual the students are the one's suffering from these bad and lazy decisions. When I think of this government, I can hear the sound of one hand clapping (Famous Zen saying).

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